Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ACTAEON.ZIP | Yes | 150033 | 3/5/1994 | ActaeOn is a hard disk manager with a point and shoot interface. It provides a graphical representation of a directory tree and in a window to the side, shows the files in each directory as you move through the tree. You can find a file or string within files, and multiple files can be copied or moved. Other features include mouse support, text editor, and full context sensitive help. Additional features include the ability to change file attributes; edit new file; print file lists, a directory tree, and text file; and viewing of any size file in ASCII, Hex, ZIP, LZH, GIF, and DBF formats. (Jon Clempner) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
CDPSW.ZIP | Yes | 128948 | 3/5/1994 | Cliff's Directory Program is a pop-up file manager and directory utility. Its main display has three windows plus a menu bar. One window is a graphical directory tree that also shows the number of files and total disk space used by the directory. Another window shows the files in each directory as you move through the tree. The third window shows disk, directory and file statistics. Features include the usual file management functions (move, copy, erase, rename, view, execute, etc.) except archiving. We feel obliged to point out that most of the claims the author makes about the uniqueness of this program (eg: "the only TSR that can be loaded twice", "the only pop-up file manager that uses less than 160k") are not correct. Nevertheless, the program is very fast, easy to use, and well worth a look. (Cliff Roberson) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
D_MA.ZIP | Yes | 60505 | 9/13/1993 | D 1.2 is a file management utility. (Mike Albert) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
DBLDIR.ZIP | Yes | 142272 | 7/15/1993 | Double Directory 1.4 will copy, delete, rename and view files; make and remove directories and shell and run programs. It displays two directories side-by-side. Either display window can be the source or destination directory for copy and move. It compares two directories and tags the differences. Both directories can be scrolled simultaneously. (George Tylutki) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
DCOM.ZIP | Yes | 221524 | 3/5/1994 | dCom is a powerful, multi-featured directory and file manager. You can change directories via a graphical tree display, sort directories, execute, edit, print, copy, move, rename, tag and delete files. It offers programmable macro keys; a text editor; a resizeable print spooler with hot-keys for clearing the spooler's buffer, sending form-feeds, and sending line-feeds to the printer; mouse support; an extensive alarm clock system which holds 38 different alarms based on daily or calendar events and more. (Dave Frailey) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $63) |
DIRFREE.ZIP | Yes | 235074 | 6/7/1993 | Directory Freedom 4.61 is a fast and compact directory manager with advanced user-defined functions such as SmartViewers. You can move and copy files, delete and rename files and directories, create archives, change file time and date stamps, create archive files, and more. (Gordon R Haff) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
DMLITE.ZIP | Yes | 49680 | 11/2/1993 | Directory Master Lite 3.10 is a file manager which allows you to copy, move, and delete files, create and modify directories and perform other file management tasks. (Marc Perkel) (Reg.Fee: $28) |
DNAV.ZIP | Yes | 61435 | 3/7/1994 | Disk Navigator is a file and directory navigation program. A directory listing is first displayed. Pressing J jumps to a list of subdirectories. Each directory is numbered so that you can quickly change from deep within one directory to deep within another by entering a number, rather than having to lean on your cursor keys for a half-hour. Files can be tagged for batch processing and multiple directories can be viewed. Other features include point-and-shoot macros and network compatibility. (Stanley C. Peters) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
DOS_EZ.ZIP | Yes | 98877 | 3/7/1994 | DOS-EZ is a set of file-handling utilities, including various kinds of file searching, file and directory management, etc. Individually, they are no better than similar utilities spread throughout the library, but this gives you a nice set of useful tools on one disk. (Reg.Fee: $25) |
DOSVIEW.ZIP | Yes | 268504 | 8/23/1993 | DOSview 1.9 is a 3k shell for DOS which displays two directory windows at the top of the screen while giving you a DOS prompt at the bottom. The left window displays whichever directory you specify while the right window changes automatically as you change drives and directories at the prompt. The window display may be toggled off for a full-screen view of DOS. Function keys let you view, edit, copy, delete, and rename files. A menu can be brought up for other functions. Although the program was designed for networks, it works well on a single system and is ideal for anyone who does a lot of work with files in DOS. (Skip Bremer) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
DS.ZIP | Yes | 18926 | 11/2/1993 | Dino Slot 1.02 is an interesting "one-armed bandit" for Windows that uses dinosaurs. Features include fun digitized sound effects, an editable payoff display, a dino quiz where correct answers add to your funds, the ability to play up to five coins at once, and more. (Brett McDonald) (Reg.Fee: $14) |
DUAL16S.ZIP | Yes | 269656 | 7/9/1993 | DualTools 1.6s is a DOS file manager and menu program. It displays a tree of subdirectories in one window while listing the files of the selected subdirectory in another window. Files can be manipulated using a variety of common file commands from the toolbar at the top of the screen. (Frank Sawchuk) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
DX.ZIP | Yes | 69626 | 3/7/1994 | DX is a powerful replacement for DOS commands. Besides allowing more versatile use of wildcards (such as "DX *name.*"), it offers additional features such as sorted directory listing and file finding. DX supports multiple inclusion and exclusion patterns after a '*'; you can ask for simple DIR-like directories or complex directories like: dx *t*+my*e;.pas In the example above, DX would select all files that have a "t" anywhere in their names; AND all files that start with "my" and end with "e"; UNLESS they had an extension of ".PAS". Files like "MYFILE.EXT", "TEST", and "XTY.C" would match while "TEST.PAS" would not match. DX can sort your files any way you wish and search entire directory structures; even match and sort files within ARChives and LiBRaries. DX fully supports network configurations and supports EGA/VGA 43/50-line modes and the Hercules 132-column mode. (Robert K Blaine) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
ELFTREE.ZIP | Yes | 208331 | 1/14/1994 | ElfTree 3.01s is a slick, fast, high capacity DOS shell for running applications and managing files and directories. There is no limit on the length of a menu command line, and the program can be made to unload itself completely from RAM when running a program, making it possible to install TSR's from inside the program. Included is a tool to compare files in two directories byte-by-byte, and one to tag all files that have notes attached. You can convert EBCDIC files to ASCII while viewing them. There is high-speed disk scanning, and support for over 16,000 files in 1000 directories across 26 drives. A screen saver is also provided. (Alan J. Avery) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
ESSCAN.ZIP | Yes | 96238 | 12/29/1992 | es-Scan 7.0 is a file manager which also includes a full-screen editor, batch file generator, and text search. It can be run from DOS or OS/2. (Erhard Schreck) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
EZFILE.ZIP | Yes | 107163 | 7/9/1993 | EasyFile 2.3 displays two different, sorted directories side-by-side, allowing you to select individual files and groups of files for the program to act on. It allows tagging and untagging, copy, move, delete, and much more. You can quickly move up and down directories, displaying and working on their files. The double-directory display makes it easy to compare directories and copy or move files between them. One nifty feature is that archive files (ARC, ZIP and LZH) are treated like subdirectories: you can point to one, press a key, and the contents are quickly displayed. Another is a DOS Menu feature for running applications from within EasyFile. Other features include support for extended and expanded memory, and a hexadecimal file viewing mode. (Dennis LaBelle) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
FCII.ZIP | Yes | 256173 | 3/10/1994 | File Commando II is a versatile file management tool that lets you take charge of your disks. It displays a graphic directory tree; logs multiple drives; sorts file lists the usual ways; formats disks; includes a sector editor; allows tagging and operating on groups of files; duplicates files and directory PATHs on second drives; prints out text files with many formatting options; includes a text editor or lets you invoke your own; includes a print spooler; displays a memory map; and more. (Progressive Solutions, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
FILEFRND.ZIP | Yes | 62101 | 3/7/1994 | FileFriend is a memory resident file manager. If you've ever been stuck in a program that was asking you to enter a filename without showing you a list of files, you will appreciate being able to pop up FileFriend, look at the names, and even mark a filename to be fed back as input to the original program. (ColePro Software) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
FILEMAN.ZIP | Yes | 63602 | 6/1/1993 | File-Man 4.25 is a menu-driven file management utility. The program has an extensive list of features, but it is not something that can just be picked up and run. The documentation file is over 240k, but it cannot be read from DOS; the whole massive file must be printed. But if you are determined enough to do that, you will find a powerful, fast file manager which also supports NetBios networks. (David Groome) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
FILER2.ZIP | Yes | 23628 | 5/29/1989 | Filer2 is a non-menu-driven file manager. Many experienced users don't like to use DOS menu programs because, no matter how fast and versatile they are, they seem slow and confining. The difference between FILER2's commands and DOS's commands are that FILER2's are safer, because you are warned of possible problems such as overwriting existing files, yet more powerful. For example, FILER2's RMDIR will remove a directory if it is empty or not, after displaying the contents of the directory and asking your approval. (Christopher J. Dunford) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
FILES.ZIP | Yes | 28151 | 3/7/1994 | Files is a simple file manager which can handle up to 200 files at a time. (Edmond Software) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
FM_BAT.ZIP | Yes | 28170 | 6/22/1989 | FM-BAT 2.41 allows you to select files from a directory listing and generate a batch file that will operate on each of the files selected. For example, you could select files to be deleted, copied, printed by a file printing utility, or processed by any other program you choose. (Richard Speiss) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
HLP452A.ZIP | Yes | 138917 | 3/15/1991 | Help! is a set of DOS utilities and an extensive help system. It will copy, move, erase, locate one file or tagged files, change attributes, print files, see the directory tree structure, and view files, and more. (Bruce A. Taylor) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
HLP452B.ZIP | Yes | 143672 | 2/27/1991 | See HLP452A.ZIP |
JOBS31B.ZIP | Yes | 229196 | 3/7/1994 | Job Organization and Backup System is a hard disk manager, DOS shell, utility set, menu manager, and more. Features include two directory tree screens; searching for files by name (wild cards allowed), date, or changed files only; directory listings using AND, OR and NOT logic, as well as wild card selection; tagging files for batch copying, deleting, moving, renaming and printing; WordStar compatible control keys; macro capability; facility for creating custom menus and help screens; system usage logging; extensive on-line help and error trapping. (RCT Design) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
LODJI.ZIP | Yes | 127244 | 7/11/1994 | Lodji Utility Program 1.10 is a directory and archive viewer, file extractor, and file manager. It displays the contents of directories and archive files. You can view the contents of files, in directories, archive files, or subdirectories inside of archive files. It also supports nested or embedded archives. Other features include multiple directory viewing, file extraction, and file copying, deletion and renaming. Requires 400K of disk space, 640K RAM, and an archive program. ARC, LZH, ZIP, and ZOO are supported. NEW: incremental string searching capability and ARJ support. (David W. Roscoe) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
LS.ZIP | Yes | 18852 | 2/24/1994 | LS is a small file manager which displays a list of file names down the screen and lets you type commands, such as DEL or COPY or EDIT, next to one or more of them. You can then press a key and each of the commands will be executed. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MAO.ZIP | Yes | 25526 | 11/18/1993 | Mao 3.0 is a shell for DOS which allows you to archive files and view text files, as well as perform many DOS file management tasks. (Jean-Guy Lavallee) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
PCDIR.ZIP | Yes | 43243 | 7/1/1992 | PC-Directory 1.6 is a powerful, 33k, pop-up file manager that will also store and automatically recall and display file descriptions. Advanced file functions include searching for a file or for text, cataloging floppies, printing files, and more, in addition to the usual functions of file viewing, copying, renaming, etc. (RSE, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $49) |
PCFLIST.ZIP | Yes | 60782 | 3/7/1994 | PC-Flist is a file manager fashioned after IBM's VM/CMs FLIST program. (CodeCrafters) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PIK.ZIP | Yes | 43150 | 7/2/1991 | PIK 2.0 makes it easier to manage files from the DOS command line without having to load a file manager. It displays a menu bar at the bottom of the screen that allows you to delete, copy, move, or archive files whose names appear on the screen. (Kenneth R. Jr. Casey) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
POPSICLE.ZIP | Yes | 28279 | 3/7/1994 | Popsicle is a pop-up file manager. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
QDISK.ZIP | Yes | 87267 | 3/6/1994 | Qdisk is a 65k memory resident file manager. It will copy, delete, move, print and change attributes on one or a set of marked files. It will also rename, view, and search for a specified file; search for text; create or remove directory; save notes about files in a directory list and more. (DME System Specialties) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
QFILER.ZIP | Yes | 124513 | 8/22/1991 | QFiler is an excellent file manager. It displays two directories (the source and the target) to make it easy to compare directories and to see the results of copying files. It is easy to mark files for mass copying, moving, deleting, archiving, etc. It will automatically call Vern Buerg's LIST program for viewing files and FINDIT to search for files. These calls to external programs let you use other utilities if you prefer. Qfiler defaults to the greatest number of lines your monitor will support. If the current file is an archive file, pressing Enter will display the contents. Support for LHArc, PKZip and Nogate PAK are included. Another zoom feature will allow you to delete files from within a compressed file. Qfiler will also tag duplicate file(s). (Kenn Flee) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20-$30) |
QRUN.ZIP | Yes | 8517 | 8/4/1991 | Quick Run displays a 5-column list of executable files in the current directory, and lets you run one by clicking on it with a mouse. Batch files are shown in red, COM/EXE files in green. For some reason, if the screen gets full, you are asked to press the space bar and half the screen scrolls away before you get a chance to select a file. Normally, this will not enter into play. (David Leithauser) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
QUICKDIR.ZIP | Yes | 154250 | 3/7/1994 | Quick Directory is a collection of several utilities: a file manager, a text editor, and a file printer which prints from one to four columns with 60, 80 or 120 lines per page on Epson compatible printers. (Mark Holgerson) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SCOUT.ZIP | Yes | 131175 | 9/5/1990 | Scout is a disk, directory, and file manager and DOS shell that can be popped up at DOS or while you are running other programs. It will move, copy and delete files individually or in tagged batches; rename files, directories and volume labels; change file attributes; format 360k and 1.2meg 5.25" and 3.5" disks; print directory listings; control printers; print files; print CGA graphics screen dumps; view files; view ZIP full and mini SFX EXE files; search a file for specified text; change directories and drives; display a monthly calendar and an ASCII table; view system memory allocation; backup updated files and more. Scout will also verify a floppy disk for CRC errors. (John J. Newlin) (Reg.Fee: $30-$35) |
SCOUTEM.ZIP | Yes | 131628 | 8/4/1990 | Scout-EM has all the features found in SCOUT but this version uses expanded memory. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SD.ZIP | Yes | 81995 | 3/7/1994 | SD is a 31k pop-up sorted directory utility with lots of options. Features include a full screen System Information Summary of installed hardware, system memory and disk parameters, multi-drive processing, support for large hard disk partitions, a utility to change disk volume serial numbers, graphic display of the directory tree, CPU performance measuring, display of extended RAM use, DESQview window support, and OS/2 compatibility. (John Stetson) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SERVICES.ZIP | Yes | 276372 | 3/7/1994 | Services is a disk, archive, and file controller that will let you shell to DOS to run other programs and take up as little as 200 bytes of DOS RAM by means of a Batch Shell. It can also shell via a swap to EMS or to disk. It will also invoke your favorite text editor, a file browser such as LIST, ARC and ZIP utilities, and virus checkers. (Lawrence Stone Research Group) (Reg.Fee: $30-$49) |
STEREO.ZIP | Yes | 107910 | 7/1/1993 | Stereo Shell 4.1 is a double-directory listing file management program. In some ways, it is easier to use than our standard, Qfiler, and in some ways, it is better. Both of them make it easy to move, delete, and view files or perform other file related functions. Both will let you view or edit files (with your favorite editor) at the press of a key. Stereo Shell's main advantage is that it supports four different file compression programs: PKZip, PKPak, LHarc, and PAK, while Qfiler will only support one. Other features include the ability to view hidden sub-directories when the hidden files switch is on; an extended zip menu; the ability to move files between drives; vertical wrap around in file windows; and more. (M.R.E. Software) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
STILRIVR.ZIP | Yes | 97783 | 3/7/1994 | Still River Shell is a full screen, point-and-shoot file and directory manager. It will let you copy, move, delete, and view files and directories with a single keystroke. You can tag files for batch processing, search for files on a hard disk or for text within files, display graphically the directory tree structure, protect against accidentally copying onto existing files, backup large directories onto multiple disks and more. (Bill White) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
TBOX14.ZIP | Yes | 335468 | 12/8/1993 | The ToolBOX 1.4 is a DOS shell with an assortment of DOS utility programs. The shell allows access to normal DOS command line functions while adding many additional features. The accompanying standalone utilities allow you to show drive allocations, display directory usage, show files accessible via the PATH, provide a uniquely powerful file find feature, display text files, and more. (Roy Anderson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30-37) |
TCD.ZIP | Yes | 162214 | 3/6/1994 | TCD is a file and directory manager with a very slick graphic user interface. It puts many regularly used DOS file commands only a single mouse click or keypress away. You can also create and remove subdirectories, scroll and print a directory tree in a window, edit the volume label, and set system date and time. Other features include a built-in text editor, screen saver, file execution with optional parameters, expanded memory support, and much more. (Khai-Wei Choong) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
TIM_UTIL.ZIP | Yes | 594981 | 3/10/1994 | TIM Utilities 3.2 contains several useful DOS utilities. TIMSHELL is a full featured file and directory manager with password protection, file viewing, screen blanking, and application launching. It's resident memory usage is configurable from 0K to 10K, and can utilize EMS and disk swapping. Other utilities include TIMPASS: a 10K popup password system, TIMVIEW: a 10K popup file viewer, and TIMFIXSR: a program to help resolve conflicts between memory resident utilities. TIMDEMO is also included to demonstrate how the TIM interface can be customized to fit individual needs. (Awanasi Software Incorporated) (Reg.Fee: $25-$200) |
TREETOP.ZIP | Yes | 119310 | 3/7/1994 | Tree Top is a well-designed, powerful, yet easy to use DOS hard disk file manager. Features include a very useful tree display on the main screen, mouse support, pull-down menus, all the usual file tagging and file management functions, the ability to tag files by date (eg: files created today), tagged directories on the tree to indicate tagged files within, the ability to change the date and time stamps on files, and much more. (Kilgore Software) (Reg.Fee: $29-$39) |
VIEWDISK.ZIP | Yes | 89002 | 3/7/1994 | ViewDisk is a DOS shell program that makes it easy to change directories (for a visual tree). Once in the directory, you can view, copy, rename, move, or delete one or a group of files. You can also execute programs from within ViewDisk. (Israel del Rio) (Reg.Fee: $16) |
WFILER.ZIP | Yes | 43178 | 7/31/1992 | WFiler 2.21 is an excellent file manager for working with a lot of files in one directory. WF is designed to show on the screen at one time as many file names from a single directory as possible. It allows single or mass copying, moving and deleting of files and will call external LIST and ARC programs for viewing files and working with ARC files. LHA is supported. Other features let you freshen or update archives, mass tag files within archives for deletion or extraction, and process PCED synonyms against tagged files. A file find feature is also included. (Basil Copeland) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINSET.ZIP | Yes | 23936 | 7/15/1992 | WinSet 1.0 keeps track of files that Setup programs copy to your hard disk. This comes in handy if you need to delete those files, which may be spread around anywhere. It works with both Windows and DOS Setup programs. It will also make a list of files opened or created and other changes to subdirectories by any software. (Dr. Masaaki Sawada) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
XEQ.ZIP | Yes | 14534 | 9/9/1993 | COM File Library and Command Executor 1.5 lets you combine several of those small, useful, but disk-space-eating COM programs into one XEQ file from which you can run the programs. Keep in mind that this only works with programs with COM extensions, not EXE, and is of limited or no value with large programs. The point of XEQ is that a 200 byte COM file actually takes up disk space in the amount of whatever your drive's minimum allocation unit of disk space is, which could be as much as 8,000 bytes. By combining, even with 2k clusters, you could cram 10 of the 200-byte COM files into the space usually used by one. (Colin J. Stearman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ZIP_EVD.ZIP | Yes | 137111 | 3/7/1994 | Zip is a file manager that has built-in text editors and telecommunications, or you can substitute your own favorite editor and comm programs instead. It allows single or batch copying, moving, deleting, archiving, dearchiving, (etc) of files. It works from the DOS command line or as a menu-driven utility with mouse support. It does file finding, has a calendar function, and lets you run programs without exiting Zip. (Edward V. Dong) (Reg.Fee: $?) |